Do this before expensive hormone tests

Every time I’ve experienced some hormone issues they’ve provided a much need opportunity to pause and reflect.

On several occasions my hormones have stepped in to stop my busy brain (and ego) in its tracks with various symptoms and complications.

They have provided plenty of time to contemplate things by keeping me awake in the early hours too.

Good food, exercise, sleep and spending time as human being (not a human doing) always helped me recover.

Over time my hormones (and gut) have acted as a filter as the jobs, duties and people that didn't understand or support me had to go.

Despite the inconvenience the hormone tripwire was always needed as it gave me chance to ask myself if I was genuinely happy.

So if you experiencing symptoms of a hormone imbalance before you pay out for expensive appointments and tests

Ask yourself …

  • What fills you with joy

  • Who has you back no matter what

  • Where do you feel at home

  • What situations enable you to just be yourself

Use the answers to guide your plans for tomorrow, the rest of the year and decades to come.

If you need some help with your hormones or any ongoing health issues I offer a free 15 minute discovery call here.


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