The pathway to the whole self

Time to break the rules and reclaim yourself with freedom from body image anxiety, emotional eating, restrictive diets and exercise guilt.

You got hacked

Your body wants to be healthy and knows exactly how to do this effortlessly and enjoyably.

The problem is somewhere along your timeline that belief was stolen so you turned on yourself.

Without even realising it you began to outsource every detail about yourself to others.

The ‘should’s’ came thick and fast….

  • How you should look

  • What you should eat

  • How you should exercise

  • How you should be good enough

  • How hardworking and pleasing to others you should be

  • How you should show up as an acceptable employee, parent, family member, partner, pet owner or all-round perfect human.

Think about …

  • How many years, days, hours, and minutes you have spent hyper-focused on fixing, failing, and needing more biscuits, beauty, cakes, endorphins, tone, coffee, wine, slimness… the list never ends!

  • The energy wasted daily through this ongoing battle with your body, is fuelled by diet dogma, digits, and dictation.

  • The chaos in your mind is caused by looping thoughts of failing, guilt, and shame, which keep you feeling inferior, exhausted, and therefore vulnerable.

    How all this has distracted you from your true self, authenticity, and the incredible life you deserve.

    How all this has kept you exactly where you don’t belong.

Fixing you became a full-time job

With tech advances and social media you became bombarded daily with ever changing rules, ideals and options for your body composition, food choices, supplement stack, workout formula and how you could miraculously defy ageing.

You started wasting your brilliant mind and valuable time worrying constantly about being enough, doing enough and doing everything right.

Or falling into ‘f*ck it’ phases, where you retreat to the bar or sofa for some self-sabotage.

This cycle of striving for self-improvement and self-loathing tied you to a never-ending search for another diet, exercise plan, new way of fasting or some other way of fixing you.

Your wise body is now rebelling!

Luckily as the standards have kept coming, a wiser part of you has started a rebellion.

Everything that is an overwhelming, exhausting struggle was never yours in the first place.

  • You likely feel disconnected.

  • You may believe you’ve lost yourself.

  • The amazing news is you’re exactly where you need to be.

  • That self was never you.

  • Now you’re ready to rediscover who you really are, and embrace your whole self.

Imagine …

  1. Confidently knowing what to eat, how to move, what supplements are helpful, and when to rest without any rules.

  2. Getting familiar with and understanding your chattering mind so it doesn’t drive you to distraction and unhelpful habits.

  3. Allowing your core emotions, and negative experiences, and sitting comfortably with them, not chasing them away with wine, exercise, chocolate, scrolling, or excessive human ‘doing’.

  4. Finally ditching perfectionism, people pleasing, goodism, and overdelivering to avoid criticism because you’re confident about looking after your needs.

  5. Not suffering from the chaos of chronic anxiety, worry, panic, jealousy, irritation, or impatience because you can experience emotions freely in your body.

It’s Time For Your Deepest Transformation

Integrated Body includes…

  • Integrative education from Nutritionists, Exercise Professionals and Mind Body Practitioners to help you understand the root cause of body image anxiety, emotional eating, diet fixation, food addictions, exercise guilt and more.

  • Step by step modules released monthly to facilitate paced learning and intuitive, positive changes in your lifestyle. 

  • Weekly expert support sessions to facilitate continued progress.

  • Monthly Masterclasses from Mind Body Practitioners covering Q&A, somatic experiencing, yoga and meditation.

  • A nourishing, dedicated online space moderated by experts for daily insights, connection and guidance from a safe, supportive community.

  • Practical support with educational resources, interactive zoom sessions, yoga and guided meditations.

  • Deep dive sessions to help you practice emotional processing and slowly releasing destructive coping mechanism.  

  • Affordable membership that will save you time and £1000’s on products, therapies, diets, supplements, tests and more.

Integrated Body is a 16-week transformational journey with experienced professionals that will guide you home to your body, your emotions, your innate wisdom and whole self.

Using emotional processing, education, awareness and practical integration, it will empower you to discover a healthy mind-body connection and intuition that was always within you.

Once you re-establish this connection you will experience a freedom you never thought possible.


Through working with Keris, already I have managed to mentally reframe several roadblocks that were holding me back. The knowledge and expertise that Keris has is immeasurable; it is very difficult in this day and age to find someone with the skill set, kindness and professionalism that she possesses.

- Fiona N -

The Journey

The Integrated Body is a 16 week process that begins with education and developing awareness to trust and reconnect your mind and body.  

The experience, tools and guidance will guide you back home to your whole self where you can live authentically with the freedom and wisdom to create your own healthy lifestyle.  

The Process

16 Weeks of Expert Education and Practical Support

Phase 1
Destimulate and Create Space
Reduce information overload ready for a journey of self-discovery.
  • We begin the process by helping you reduce overstimulation.
  • Simplifying and personalising your daily routine including nutrition, exercise, media exposure, and relaxing time.
  • Developing a realistic routine improves capacity to learn, maintain attention, and set the scene for self-discovery.
Phase 2
I versus Her
Developing awareness and understanding of yourself.
  • Developing an awareness of your emotions, thoughts, feelings, and ego.
  • Observing the programmes and processes that keep you resisting change.
  • Understanding self-sabotage, emotional eating, overthinking, overwhelm, distraction, and anxiety.
Phase 3
Allowing and Experiencing
Journey into your body to discover hidden emotions.
  • Combining emotional processing and somatic experiencing to begin discovering your whole self.
  • Observing triggers and coping mechanisms that keep you stuck.
  • Exploring your authentic self.
Phase 4
Trusting your body and living as your whole self.
  • Using time in nature, meditation, creative outlets, and nourishing connections to facilitate positive transformation and personal growth.
  • Developing a routine and lifestyle that creates acceptance of your whole self and authenticity.
  • Using creative practices for personal development and growth.

I tried…

  • Gut healing diets

  • Medications, microbiome testing, toxic load testing, blood tests and more

  • Eastern and western herbal medicine

  • Acupuncture, visceral osteopathy and fascia release

  • Psychedelics

  • Water fasting

  • CBT, NLP and hypnotherapy

  • Nutritional supplements

  • Leaving job roles and taking months off work

  • Resting from exercise and doing yoga, meditation, breathwork and walking

  • Moving abroad to see if the sun, sea and sand was the solution

I got worse…

It became a huge identity disruptor.

Without my coping tools of exercise, fixing people and a fast paced career I spiralled into anxiety, compulsive behaviours and inexplicable addictions.

My body continued to digest itself rather than food and I ventured through multiple states of disordered eating and body dysmorphia. 

Exhausted, I finally surrendered and began to journey inwards.

This is where the magic happened...

A Mind Body Practitioner called Sam Miller came into my life.

She helped translate a message from my body that to heal I needed to do some integration.

Decades of suppressed emotions I’d neglected by focusing on goodism, perfectionism, anxiety and people pleasing were now asking for my attention.

Flaws, failings, mistakes and negative emotions were all waiting in my IN tray and needed to be integrated.

Many of my coping mechanisms needed to head to my OUT tray.

Including the ‘shoulds’, pressures, rules, over delivering and putting everyone’s needs before mine.

She educated me in a way no other person has ever been able to do.

I discovered my ego is as stubborn as a mule and wanted to keep me stuck, but change was still possible.

She took me on a journey of emotional processing and zen meditation to reconnect my mind and body.

  1. She taught me that I already knew.

  2. Even though at that point I really disliked myself.

  3. She explained that ‘I’ was the real me, and ‘myself’ was what I created to survive in this society.

  4. I discovered the key to genuine self-compassion, acceptance and true health is to become the authentic version of yourself.

  5. I created a routine with somatic experiencing, Zen meditation, a lot more fun and freedom to rediscover who I really was.

My story…

In my late 30’s I thought I was busy smashing life.

Great career, fit, strong and healthy.

My body had other ideas and decided to serve me the bill for decades of disconnection.

I was flawed by multiple, severe gastrointestinal issues.

It was brutal.

The dysfunction that appeared on tests confused every gastroenterologist, nutritionist, Functional medicine practitioner and therapist of any kind.

Fear escalated as no one could help me.

More experts and invasive tests continued to frighten the life out of me.

It became like an extortionate tax bill I had no idea about.

It all slowly began to bankrupt me physically and emotionally.

I kept trying to beg, borrow and steal to resolve this debt.

Sam Millner, Mind Body Practioner

And deeper, lasting change began …

The low moods, anxiety, exercise rules, skiving guilt, comfort eating and body checking began to fade. 

I connected with my body and began to care for it intuitively with nutritious food, enjoyable movement, rest, pleasure, creativity and relaxation.

I’ve shared this process with so many clients and the response has been profound.

I want to make this a reality for as many women as possible.


Keris has helped me join some very far-apart dots that I would not have managed myself, she’s helped me view ME in a different light - digging right down to work from the bottom up… instead of introducing another nutrition and fitness plan into my schedule that I would have felt guilty for not sticking to… we’re really getting into the nitty gritty surrounding my relationship with food, and exercise, how I use it and why fitness regimes and diet plans always fall by the wayside for me - it’s deeper than the surface stuff.

- Fiona N -

The journey is challenging, humbling and ultimately empowering but our strong, safe community with be at your side every step of the way.

Are You Ready to Break Free?

Sick of body image anxiety, emotional eating, restrictive diets, and exercise guilt running your life?

This isn’t another “fix yourself” program.

This is a revolution - a radical shift in how you see, treat, and respect your body. No more food guilt. No more punishment workouts. No more feeling trapped in cycles that don’t serve you.

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This is your invitation to step into freedom, trust, and self-love.

It’s time to reclaim yourself.
To move, eat, and live with freedom.
To break the rules that were never made for you.

Are you in?

Get instant access to Integrated Body for just £49 per month

Cancel anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes we provide a 6 week training plan (gym and home based) with nutrition principles to follow.

    There’s also guidance on adapting your meals and practical resources like recipes, cheat sheets and meal plans.

    There will be the option for a vegetarian plan with guidance on vegan adaptations and lots of advice on vegan supplements.

  • Absolutely, in fact from the age of 30 our hormones (and metabolism) begin to change. There are many ways to mitigate this with nutrition, exercise and supplements.

    Research shows the sooner you begin support for menopause the easier the journey is likely to be, so prepping for peri is a wise move.

    It’s also good to keep an eye on things with blood and hormone testing so you know what to adapt and when.

  • Yes, absolutely. I’ve personally benefitted hugely from seeking second opinions on my HRT as many of my symptoms continued and the side effects became unbearable.

    I wasn’t happy when one private practitioner just kept suggesting more HRT.

    I felt better once a different Menopause GP suggested taking a break and lowering the dose.

    You'll be able to work through the content on this plan in your own time.

  • Arguably more so as the information on the plan becomes more essential with age to lower your risk of disease and support you living a happy, healthy life.

  • Hub access is ongoing, so you have as long as you need to work through the content.

    Once you've completed the course you will have ongoing access to the materials.

Your Weekly Integrated Body Guide

We’ve broken down your 16 week plan into helpful bite size chunks to avoid overwhelm. Remember, this is your plan to work through at your own pace.

  • A users guide to personalised HRT with Menopause GPs Dr Angela Wright and Dr Angela Sharma 

    • A guide to the benefits, risks and treatment of HRT

    • Types of HRT: oral, transdermal, bodyidentical and vaginal support

  • Menopause nutrition and exercise essentials 

    • The best type of exercise for menopause health 

    • How to balance cardio, mobility and strength training 

    • Personalising calories, carbs and protein

    • How to tackle sugar cravings

    • The low-down alcohol and caffeine 

  • Women’s Health and Sexual Health During Menopause with Menopause GPs Dr Angela Wright and Dr Angela Sharma 

    • Advice on PCOS, Endometriosis, PMS and PMDD

    • Sexual health and libido during menopause  

    • Vaginal health and menopause 

    Remember, you'll be able to work through the content of this plan in your own time.

  • Nutritional support for menopause symptoms 

    • Essential food and supplements for strong bones and joints

    • Nourishing gut health during menopause 

    • Nutrition and lifestyle support for better sleep

  • Menopause weight and energy regulation

    • The why behind weight gain and the menopause energy crisis 

    • The fundamentals of sustainable fat loss 

    • Understanding blood sugar regulation and glucose monitors 

  • Menopause mindset and emotional health 

    • CBT for menopause with Dr Angela Sharma 

    • Optimising nutrition for brain fog, focus, concentration and memory

  • Putting together your menopause supplement plan

    • How to identify clean, trustworthy brands

    • The best supplements for menopause symptom support

  • More menopause expert advice 

    • How to tackle menopause hair loss with Trichologist Demi Griffiths

    • Pelvic health, prolapses and urinary tract support with Women’s Health Physio Aishling Burke 

Reclaim your health - join Integrated Body today.

Trusted support…

Even more client testimonials

What an opportunity to access so many fantastic resources and get to ask questions of experts. Would highly recommend to anyone and have. I have been ill for the past week so need to catch up on a few videos this week. My takeaways so far are:

  • Get blood tests (iron, thyroid, B12, liver and kidney function) done

  • Start an informed discussion about my HRT package with my GP

  • Start herbal supplements - gut health, fatigue

  • Make a conscious decision to eat better- cut down on my sugar intake, more whole food, more fibre, more fish.

  • Exercise as I do - but sign up and train for a starter (lowest level) triathlon

  • Tackle overwhelm by stepping back - suffer from debilitating FOMO.”

This was such a great course, lots of experts in their field bought together to share information to us. I haven’t seen such an in-depth and wholistic approach anywhere else ! Well done

I have not been able to attend the sessions live but I am catching up ….. and I know I will want to keep referring back to them …and the slides. I’m the kind of person that needs to take the time to look into eve and come up with a plan , I have a week off soon and will use that time to do that. The thing that has helped me the most is to stop taking titbits from different things I hear or read and buying a supplement here and there …… my lifestyle needs to change and this course will help me work out how to do that.

Thanks again”

This has been a fantastic course with so much information to keep at hand. If you end up running any further courses I have already told my friends it is definitely worth joining.

For me similar to others I haven’t had time to watch all the sessions but I am taking my time going through them. I can take away planning, tracking and just moving more and hopefully once my knee full recovers doing more but not putting too much pressure on myself. Another one is definitely looking at taking the next step in HRT - thank you Keris Marsden and all your team - brilliant hub.”

Not watched them all yet! But so far…

Started meal planning again, sort of. So much going on it’s tough but I’m getting there. Got some offal in last week, and had no crisps for week and a half until I went for lunch today and they were on my plate! Obviously I don’t condone food waste

Have cut down on alcohol.

Made an appointment with the GP to discuss hrt, request tests, armed with info.

Not pushing when I pee! And stop getting one in just because I’m scared I’ll miss a look at some point! Ordered vaginal PH kit.

Did yoga today for first time in many many weeks.

Bought a lovely new journal to help me stay connected with it all!

Thanks so much Keris! Lots still to digest still but I already feel better armed and more motivated, even on the exhausted days.”